view of multi-sensory office design light installation

Encouraging creativity in a playful workplace

Spotify, Singapore

Due to large scale growth across Asia Pacific, Spotify needed an immersive and dynamic workplace to reflect its core values.

Combining brand experience and design, the space explores interactive ways of working across one-and-a-half floors. Connecting local culture and artists with the wider creative and technology communities, the new hub serves creators across South East Asia.

At a glance

  1. The ‘Tunnel of Fame’ on the lower public floor immerses visitors in a memorable journey with colour-changing lights featuring artists’ names.
  2. Exciting social destinations span the floor, featuring open and semi-private spaces.
  3. The upper floor for staff includes range of multi-functional spaces for collaboration, socialising, and focus work.
  4. Murals, accessories, and digital touchpoints add another layer of immersion.
woman walking in front of av wall and people seen to be collaborating at back

While the upper floor is reserved for staff, half of the floor below it is designed as a welcoming and engaging space for internal and external communities. This includes artists, content creators, and digital media professionals. We identified several key areas around the entrance with potential to amplify the brand, beginning with the ‘Tunnel of Fame’.

woman at reception, woman on tiered steps, woman walking and view of kitchen

The corridor leads visitors from the elevators into the reception – a memorable arrival experience using interchangeable lights. These lights are labelled with the names of local and international artists and content creators.

From here, the journey splits between two key community areas. On the left side of the floor plate behind the moveable reception counter, a spacious work-lounge offers a comfortable environment for people to focus and unwind. Among other open and enclosed meeting spaces, this area includes a Listening Room, an acoustically engineered space for reviewing new material.

people relaxing and watching something in cinema

On the right side of the entrance, a security gate leads to a semi-private work cafe, including a coffee counter and a kitchen servery. This community space also hosts public events and internal social gatherings.

people talking in kitchen and people sitting down at table and talking
band performing in front of crowd

The staff floor is designed as a ‘dynamic workplace’ environment for people to come together and innovate. Without fixed desktop computers, the open interior emphasises values of transparency and communication.

People in kitchen area and women at table
woman giving presentation and people collaborating

Collaborative and focus spaces surround the floor’s functional core. The outer edge is reserved for day to day work-points with plenty of daylight.

woman sitting in booth
people being social in breakout area playing table tennis and people talking by kitchen area

For rest and retreat in the open spaces, there is a large quiet room, phone booths, focus pods, and individual seats.

people collaborating at table and view of booths
woman working privately
Women working at desks
woman working at table

To create an inspiring and engaging workplace, the environment offers artistic experiences across both floors. Most enclosed meeting spaces feature artwork with vibrant colours and forms representing the brand in unique ways.

Accessories, graphics, and other design details represent the brand and culture. Each meeting room has its own identity and a ‘soundwave’ QR code that plays a specific song when scanned.


2023FX Design Awards - Workspace Environment Small

2021Australia Good Design Awards - Winner

2021Singapore Good Design - Winner



Completion date





35,000 sq ft


Owen Raggett

Discuss your workplace
