Sustainable green building design by M Moser Confidential client, New York

The importance of sustainable architecture strategies

The need to address climate change is urgent. As a unified global effort, we must prioritise sustainable strategies to help preserve our planet. This article explores why sustainable architecture is an important consideration for the design and construction industry.

Sustainable architecture - exterior Lidl, London
Sustainable interior architecture Lidl, London

Why sustainable architecture is the future

Buildings account for around 40% of global carbon emissions, significantly contributing to climate change. Sustainable architecture aims to reduce embodied and operational carbon by minimising energy consumption, using renewable energy sources and reducing waste. We can address carbon emissions by embracing sustainable design and construction practices.

  • Lowering energy consumption
    Sustainable architecture can help reduce energy consumption by incorporating energy-efficient features such as insulation, heating and cooling systems and LED lighting. Reducing energy consumption can lower the demand for fossil fuels and help decrease greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Using renewable energy sources
    Sustainable architecture and building for sustainability can incorporate renewable energy sources such as solar panels, wind turbines, geothermal systems and high-performance façades with natural ventilation systems.
  • Decreasing waste
    Sustainable architecture can reduce waste through material selection based on recyclability and waste diversion during construction. Rainwater harvesting and greywater recycling systems conserve resources and lessen environmental impact.
Sustainable design requirements Knotel, London

How we are contributing to sustainable architecture

As a global leader in architecture, design and construction, here are some of the ways our teams contribute to sustainable architecture in workplace design:

  • Sustainable building design
    Aligning with our climate action plan, our designs incorporate sustainable building practices to minimise environmental impact. We use considerate materials and energy-efficient systems to reduce energy consumption and help protect the environment.
  • Sustainability certifications
    Our teams look at multiple sustainability and decarbonisation rating systems to evaluate the environmental impact of a project. They aim to achieve the highest possible rating to reduce carbon emissions, protect the environment and support wellbeing. These certifications include LEED, LEED Zero, WELL, Fitwel, Living Building Challenge and Zero Carbon, among others.
  • Sustainable office interior architecture
    We’re focused on building repurposing and transforming spaces to fit new needs. Through these efforts, we enhance physical and mental wellbeing, fostering greater productivity and job satisfaction. Furthermore, we’re dedicated to incorporating sustainable principles into our repurposing endeavours.
Sustainable architecture strategies M Moser, Paris
Sustainable architecture strategies M Moser, Paris
  • Technology-enabled sustainable design
    We incorporate the latest technology to optimise energy consumption, improve indoor air quality and reduce a building’s carbon footprint. This includes smart building management systems that monitor air particulates and natural light, then automatically manage functions like HVAC, natural ventilation or shading.
  • Sustainable materials selection
    Alongside building for sustainability, our teams use materials and systems that reduce waste and promote reuse and reclamation. Our strategies for selecting more sustainable materials include:
    – Not using red-list materials and prioritising materials with Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs).
    – Implementing life cycle assessments (LCAs) to analyse the environmental impact of materials throughout their entire life span.
  • Working towards a net zero future
    Working closely with our clients, partners and supply chain, we are dedicated to becoming a 1.5-aligned organisation and achieving more sustainable ways of living and working. We strive to reduce our environmental impact and promote decarbonisation on a global scale.
Li Po Chun United World College, Hong Kong

A promise for tomorrow

Sustainable architecture is not a trend, it’s a necessity for a better future. We believe that the building industry must embrace sustainability as a standard practice, not as an optional feature. Prioritising sustainable building design and construction can reduce environmental impact and save resources. It can also create functional and beautiful buildings that contribute to the health and wellbeing of people and their communities. The growing recognition of sustainable architecture highlights its importance as we strive for a more sustainable future for everyone.

The only path to a carbon-neutral industry is shifting from a wasteful mindset of replacing old with new. Giving new life to fully depreciated carbon assets in developed countries and creating a framework to enable developing countries to build responsibly for the future.

Julian Rimmer, Director, M Moser Associates
Sustainable architecture strategies Lidl, London

Our teams of experts are dedicated to developing sustainable buildings that meet the needs of your organisation. Contact us today to bring your vision of sustainable architecture to life.

Samantha Allen

Associate Director

Julian Rimmer

Global Director

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