To stay or go? An office occupier’s guide

As markets shift, businesses recalibrate their real-estate portfolios to new priorities. Faced with the options, “renew or relocate”, how do you decide?

Our downloadable guide will help you understand the opportunities and plan a way forward.

You might be exploring your options because of an upcoming lease event. Or adapting to new workstyles and budgets, meaning you need to right-size your office footprint. Whatever your motivation, we’ll get you thinking about what’s possible.

What’s in this guide?

The guide takes you through the decision-making steps, providing practical tools to get started with. Inside, you’ll learn:

  • Answers to the most frequently asked questions about the process.
  • How to decide on a direction for your business.
  • How to right-size your footprint and maximise your space utilisation.
  • How to assess the challenges and opportunities of each option.
  • A simple checklist to begin the process.

Read the guide


How can we support your stay vs go process?

We provide tailored support to help you navigate the process from start to finish. Strategy, design, sustainability, or engineering; we always have the right skills in the room. Our services include:

Developing a brief to align with the business strategy:

  • Understanding the impact of business changes on the workplace.
  • Engaging teams to explore their preferences, appetite for change, work styles and expectations.

Navigating renew or relocate decisions:

  • Exploring the option to renew and repurpose your current space. Understanding the opportunities and limitations.
  • Outlining space requirements to right-size a building search. Then providing technical due diligence to assess fit accurately.

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